
How learners advance at Khaled International Schools

Grade Advancement Policy
In an effort to support all learners achieve their full potential, Khaled International Schools has put in place a fair and clear grade advancement policy. It entails the following:
  • Learners in Kindergarten to Grade 2, automatically advance to the next grade at the end of each academic year.
  • Learners in Grades 3 to 5 are assessed based on the core subjects (Arabic, Math, English and Islamic studies) and in the case they fail either of these subjects, they shall remain within their current grade level.
  • Learners enrolled in Grades 6 to 12 advance to the next level, based on the following criteria:
    • Achieve a yearly cumulative average of over 60% (exceptions apply if learner attains yearly cumulative average over 60%, yet scores a cumulative average less than 60% in two core subjects and one secondary subject)
    • Conditional advancement applies if learner attained cumulative yearly average of 60% of more, yet failed two core subjects, or attained a cumulative yearly average of 60% or more yet failed one or more secondary subject.
    • Should the learner pass some courses and fail others, the school retains the right to ask the child to repeat the class or enroll in support classes in the subjects he/she failed as the school sees fit.
    • Furthermore, failure to comply with the school policy for promotion for any reason including extended absences, the learner will be retained at grade level.
    • Grades 6-8 core subjects are English, Arabic, Islamic studies, Math and Sciences.
    • In Grades 9-12 core subjects are English, Arabic, Islamic studies, Math, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Daily Girls’ School Schedule
KG1-KG2-KG3 G1-G2-G3 G4 to G12
7:55-8:40am 7:30-8:20am 7:30-8:30am
8:20-9:10am 8:30-9:25am
9:00-9:45am 9:10-9:30am
9:45-10:30am 9:30-10:20am 10:20-10:40am
10:20-11:10am 10:40-11:25am
11:00-11:45am 11:10-11:30am
11:45am-12:30pm 11:30am-12:20pm 12:10-12:30pm
12:20-1:05pm 12:30-1:10pm
1:05-1:50pm 1:10-1:50pm
Daily Boys’ School Schedule
Grades 6 to 8 Grades 9 to 12
7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am
8:30-9:15am 8:30-9:25am
9:35-10:20am 10:10-10:30am
10:20-11:05am 10:30-11:15am
11:25am-12:10pm 12:00-12:20pm
12:10-12:55pm 12:20-1:05pm
12:55-1:45pm 1:05-1:50pm
Attendance and Absence Policy

Learners are expected to report to school regularly and to be on-time for all classes. Learners should be at school no later than 7:20am. This is important so that they can develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline and responsibility. Daily attendance is one of the criteria for the learner’s evaluation and absences and lateness are entered in the Progress Report Cards every term. Classes are dismissed at 2:00pm.

If a Grade 1 to Grade 12 learner arrives at school after 7:45am without a valid excuse, they will not be permitted to enter their period one. They will remain in the reception area. It is the responsibility of the learner to catch up on all missed work.

Valid Absences

The following reasons are recognized as being valid for absences of learners from school:

  • Personal illness
  • Illness in the family
  • Death of a relative
  • A religious holiday
  • A doctor or dentist appointment
  • Emergency circumstances, which, in the judgment of the administration, constitute sufficient cause for being absent from school

All other absences are considered unexcused. Excessive absenteeism is not tolerated.

However, parents are requested not to send their sick children to school. If the child has a fever, he/she should remain at home. In addition, if the child has a contagious illness such as pinkeye, he/she will not be allowed to return to school until the parents provide a letter from the pediatrician stating the child is no longer contagious.

Grading Systems
Percentage Rubric Letter
0 – 59 Has not reached standard required F
60 – 64.9 Weak D
65 – 69.9 Below Average D+
70 – 74.9 Average C
75 – 79.9 Above Average C+
80 – 84.9 Good B
85 – 89.9 Very Good B+
90 – 100 Excellent A
Grade Policy Letter Method

The letter method offers flexibility in determining a learner’s grade. A letter grade in a five-point scale is commonly used: A, B, C, D, and F. The letters are interpreted in terms of percentages, where, for instance, A = 90 to 100, B = 80 to 89, C = 70 to 79, d = 60 to 69, and F = any mark below 60. Secondly, definite standards are established for each of the five letter grades. For example, standards for receiving an A might be:

  • Always hands in work on time
  • Completes all work assigned in a creditable manner
  • Completes more than the assigned work
  • Shows creativity in mastering the work assigned
  • Has an excellent attendance record
Honors and Distinction

A learner is promoted with honors if he/she achieves an average between 84.5% and 89.5% and with distinction if he/she achieves an average of 89.5% and above.

Academic Probation

A learner can be placed on academic probation for poor academic performance at any time during the school year. Any of the following criteria may place a learner on academic probation:

  • Unsatisfactory efforts
  • Missing work on a continuous basis in any class
  • Recording a failing average score in any subject
  • Consistent absences

Learners placed on academic probation may be required to attend mandatory study halls and tutorials as requested by their teachers. Each learner’s progress is evaluated on a weekly basis, and a learner can be released from academic probation if the faculty believes the learner has improved upon the review of their performance. The Head of Section will notify the parents when a learner has been placed on academic probation. A repetitive placement on academic probation may result in asking the learner not to register in the school for the coming academic year.

Dress Code

Learners are required to wear the school uniform, unless otherwise instructed by the faculty. At the beginning of the academic year, parents should label all items with the learner’s name to prevent any loss of clothing.

The school uniform is comprised of school trousers, a light blue-buttoned shirt, a navy blue pill troll, and a navy blue jacket. For physical education, a jogging suit, shorts and polo shirt are required to be worn.

We believe in the learner’s right of self-expression. However, excessive jewelry and other forms of expression that hinder the process of learning, are prohibited. The school administration reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of appearance and/or worn items.


Learners’ textbooks and practice books are supplied by the school at the beginning of the year. The cost of these items is excluded from the tuition fees and will be charged separately. The school also supplies copybooks, writing books and agendas, which are charged separately.
Teachers ask learners to laminate or cover all textbooks, practice books, copybooks and agendas.  

Bus Rules
  • Learners should not open or hang out of the windows
  • Learners cannot initiate or participate in political conversations.
  • Spitting, excessive noise and littering are not allowed on the bus.
  • Learners cannot leave their seats or stand without permission.
  • Learners should obey the driver and/or the bus supervisor.
  • Seat belts should be used at all times.
  • Learners should speak quietly not to distract the driver.
  • Only water, sandwiches, and fruits are allowed on the bus.
  • Use of offensive language and/or physical abuse will not be tolerated.
  • Learners may only leave the bus at their designated stop, unless permission is obtained from the administration.
  • Learners should always be on time. The bus should not be kept waiting either after school or at the designated stop in the mornings.
Use of the Telephone

Front-desk or Heads of Sections office telephones are available to learners, only in case of an emergency.